Support Belarusian volunteers

Frequently asked questions

The war has been going on for a long time. Is it too late to help?

As long as the war is not over and the enemy is not defeated, the question of supporting the soldiers will remain relevant.

Why help if the regiment is part of the armed forces of Ukraine? Shouldn't fighters be on provision?

Although the state's spending on military forces is constantly increasing, there are still aspects that cover the volunteers. It can take weeks from a formal request from a unit to the purchase and delivery of the items. These issues can be closed in days with volunteer help. This applies, for example, to financial assistance for the purchase of quadcopters and vehicles that are constantly out of service, to cover specific needs for the successful completion of a specific combat mission by a unit, and so on.

How can I help Belarusian volunteers?

The fastest and most effective way to support Belarusian volunteers is to transfer funds to the accounts of the units. This will allow to close the needs of the fighters, which are the most relevant at the moment and to be sure of the intended use of the money.

How can I help and remain anonymous?

Data on persons transferring funds to the regiment's account are anonymized. If the donor wants to remain fully anonymous, he/she can transfer the financial assistance to the Regiment exclusively using cryptocurrency.

I transferred funds to the Kalinoŭski Regiment using the PayPal. Why does your address keep changing?

For reasons beyond our control, due to the policies of some sites and PayPal itself, our account is sometimes blocked. So we have to create additional backup PayPal accounts.

How to find out what the funds were spent on? Where can I view the reports?

Starting in July 2022, the Regiment publishes monthly reports on the use of funds from individuals who have provided donations to the Regiment. The first report includes information for the period from February 2022 to July 1, 2022.

If you have other questions, you can ask them in our telegram bot.