21 May 2023

Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus

Human rights center "Viasna" designated May 21 as the Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus. On this day, two years ago, political prisoner Witold Ashurak was killed in the Shklov colony No. 17.

According to "Vyasna", there are currently 1,525 political prisoners in Belarus. We know for sure that this number is much higher.

Lukashenka's regime throws people behind bars because they are not afraid to exercise their rights: the right to participate in peaceful assemblies, the right to express one's opinion, the right to participate in the political life of the country.

Most of these people faced politically motivated criminal prosecution after the 2020 events in Belarus related to the presidential elections.

And now there is a full-scale war. Belarusians join the Regiment named after Kastus Kalinouski to fight against the Russian invaders. And that after the victory of Ukraine, the Lukashenko's regime, supported by Putin, will be overthrown, and the political prisoners of Belarus will be released.

Long live Belarus!

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