07 November 2022

Weekly news 31.10-6.11 (№19)

News from the front

Last week, the soldiers of the Kalinoŭski Regiment continued to perform combat tasks on the front line. Last week, fighters of the "Volat" battalion provided support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in combat zones. Enemy attacks were repulsed, during which Russian troops suffered losses in manpower, and conditions were created for counteroffensive actions.

The "Litvin" battalion is still in the stage of carrying out the task, the details of which we cannot disclose. An intelligence operation is being conducted jointly with other units of the Armed Forces, in which the battalion's aerial reconnaissance is involved. It collects intelligence data on dangerous areas of the front.

Meeting of representatives of the regiment with the head of the city of Kyiv Vitaly Klitschko

At the meeting, questions were raised about the provision and joint work of the regiment with the Kyiv city administration. Also, Vitali Klitschko thanked the regiment for its participation in the defense of Kyiv and the region at the beginning of a full-scale war. It was in the battles for the suburbs of the Ukrainian capital that Belarusians Ilya "Litvin", Zmitser "Terror" and Alyaksei "Tur" died.


The group of recruits that arrived in the Regiment is already undergoing training in various directions and soon the recruits will be sent to the units of the Regiment.

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